Dr. G. Bhakta

O’ excellance! my chance!!
The world at a glance .
The dream came true and
Sprightly swimmed to dance.

Met many men,
Whom knew not then.
Were keen and loving
Our Russion fan.

As white as snow,
And red like rose.
Smile on lips,
There lovely nose.

Accounted me such
They all were Douch
Had taken much pain
Who came through spain

London or Briton
Austria ,Washington
Itally and Rome
Were their home.

To give and take
For homoeopathic sake
Impart their share
In useful sphere.

No better time
Could have been for me
To visit and transact
The world in fact.

Thanks to them
And thanks to those ,
Who gave me chance
To see at a glance.

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