Dr. G. Bhakta

Assembled for noble mission we have,
Service of mankind in pang they crave,
Should rational, harmless and ideal cure
Nature’s law ever play and assure.
Come and join with the mission alone
What master Hahnemann had ever done .

The rainy day of pleasant nature.
In varied ways of Assian culture.
Being conjoined with Art and Science.
Laws and principles which he left behind.
Kept it alive in action one provides.
In aggregate of work he ever survives.

We pay him homage and pledge the essence.
Of vital force with almighty providence.
Integrated affairs of medical systems.
Among the diverse ways of customs.
Set our voyage in roaring ocean.
The Science of Therapeutics is our gain.

He learnt , lived and loved the people
Guided and guarded in hours of trouble
Let us commemorate such man on Earth.
Who is sovour and pioneer as worth.
As the planets revolving appear.
Like the Congress international this year.

It proves and presents our heartiest mission.
To transact on various deserving ambitions.
The global challenge of scourges we percieve.
Only in our system the world believes.
None the else but homoeopathy deserves.
For health and cure posterity is ours.

• Published in souvenir of International
Homoeopathic Congress BANCOK (Thiland)

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